I was born in Palermo in 1979, graduated in Euro-American Languages and Literature, I took my first steps in the digital world in 2003 working for small local realities. My German experience is fundamental, as I consider it of fundamental capital importance for my training, not only technical, but also human. In Berlin, in 2006 I worked for multinationals companies like StudiVZ, a kind of German Facebook, becoming Country manager for Italy. In 2008
I work in Monaco, as Head of SEO for MYDAYS Italia. Since 2010 I have been managing SEO Romeo in Milan and since 2017 I have focused my self on development and growth plans for start-ups. Among the others I am Advisor of Notizie.it and Ricompro.it I was the first Italian consultant of Zalando.,
I am also Digital Entrepreneur, Start up mentor, author of the books published by Dario Flaccovio Editore “Trova alvoro con il web” and “SEO and inbound marketing” and Top Brand Influencer for SEMrush Since May 2019 I am creator and director of the series web marketing book “Digital Generation” for Maggioli Editore.